The ICITST-2025 encourages the submission of poster or demo proposals. All the accepted posters and demos will be included in the conference proceedings.

Important Dates

Poster/Demo Proposal SubmissionMarch 1, 2025
Notification of Poster/Demo AcceptanceMarch 25, 2025


There is a maximum of one poster per presenting author.
Please visit the ICITST-2025 website for registration information.

Poster Presentations

    • The poster can be presented either in Microsoft Power Point (not more than 20 slides) or as A0 paper size (1189 x 841 mm).
    • Please submit, the final version of your poster to [If two PDF files are being submitted,
    • Please submit a single ZIP or Tar-gzipped file].
  • The poster presentations will run throughout the duration of the conference.
  • The demo teams are responsible for bringing any needed equipment to the conference.
  • The conference will provide the following:
      • A 6 foot by 18 inch table, a chair, Poster Easel/Board (4 feet by 8 feet), 22 inch by 28 inch foam board on which the presenters can stand, and Wireless Network Connectivity.
      • The conference will provide 220V power outlets. Demo presenters are responsible for getting their needed voltage conversion adaptors, network hubs, etc.

Demo Presentations

An updated demo summary (PDF format) in two-column conference format, up to 3 pages long may be submitted directly to by the 1st of March, 2025. The summary will be made available via ICITST web page. The demo teams are responsible for bringing any needed equipment to the conference. The demo teams are responsible for bringing any needed equipment to the conference.


The ICITST-2025 do not have facility for authors to prepare their posters on site, so it is the responsibility of the presenters to prepare their posters before arriving at the conference venue.